Mark your calendar! VTK’s 57th will take place on Saturday, November 30, 2024, at the Poliisien kesäkoti in Helsinki. More information about the event and registration will be available soon.
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VTK’s excursion to Prysmian on 8.10.2024
Prysmian Finland
The global cable player leading the energy transition and digital transformation. We’re seizing the opportunities offered by market trends to become a global cabling solution provider. From the depths of the ocean to the pinnacles of the world’s tallest buildings, we drive new forms of energy and information to every corner of the earth.
Prysmian offer the broadest range of services and know-how in the industry. Each year, Prysmian manufactures thousands of miles of underground and submarine cables and systems for power transmission and distribution, as well as medium and low voltage cables for the construction and infrastructure sectors. We also produce a comprehensive range of optical fibers, copper cables and connectivity systems for voice, video, and data transmission for the telecommunication sector.
Dress code: Dark suit or Business casual
Price: 0€
VTK Membership required: Yes
Note Membership is free!
You can become a VTK member: Aalto University Production Engineering Students (VTK) / Membership
Timetable for the event:
– The bus leaves from Otaniemi at 14:15
– Prysmian Group company presentation and tour in production and R&D facilities between 15-18
– Food is served during the event
– The bus leaves back to Otaniemi at 18:00
NOTE! There are room for 20 persons during this excursion. A reserve list of 5 people will be formed.
Entry opens on 05.09.2024 at 14:00 and ends on 12.09.2024 klo 12:00 or if the attendance list is full.
Please note that registration is binding. Confirmation will be sent after the registration. See you at the excursion!
Register here: VTK’s Excu Prysmian on 8.10.2024
If you have any questions please contact via Telegram @axelsaalasti or @veikkakorte.
By the way, have you heard about this yet?
Build the Future Graduate Program
Build the Future is the Prysmian Graduate Program. The 2025 edition will be number 14!
We aim to hire talents globally with diverse background in the STEM field and experiences who are eager to make our world a more sustainable place and ready to embrace new challenges.
Are you willing to make your mark in the Energy transition and Digitalization of our communities? Be part of this important change and help us build a better future for all of us. Join our global team!
More information:
Annual maintenance of the Eccentric press 2024
Dear VTK member,
It’s time to carry out the annual maintenance of the Eccentric press at the corner of the K2 building in Otaniemi on Wappu eve 30/04/2024 starting at 11.00. In this event, old and new members of Aalto University Production Engineering Students will get together with full of spring spirit. Wappu food and drink are available. After the maintenance of the Eccentric press, it is convenient to continue your wappu journey to Servin Mökki, where the Wappu Rowdiness will be declared at 14.00. So come and meet former and current students of production technology while stamping the tokens.
This year, Suomen Konepajainsinööriyhdistys is also participating in the event. The purpose of SKIY is to bring together leading professionals from the manufacturing industry and to develop and support the operations of Finnish industry. The association’s more than 250 members bring together a huge amount of knowledge, skill and experience about the current state and future of our industry, without forgetting history. For more info, check out SKIY at Etusivu – SKIY
SKIY also supports students by distributing several scholarships of 2 000 € each year for studies, diploma theses and exchange studies abroad from the scholarship fund of baron Gustaf W. Wrede!
- What? Annual maintenance of the Eccentric press 2024
- Where? K2, Puumiehenkuja 3, Espoo
- When? Tuesday 30/04/2024. starting at 11.00
- Cost? Nothing!
- Why? Come and stamp your own token in the best company!
See you in maintenance!

VTK’s excursion to Bluefors Oy on Tuesday 6.2.2024!
Bluefors is the industry standard for ultra-low temperature cooling solutions used in quantum technology. Our systems empower companies to solve the world’s greatest challenges — and help transform the future.
Bluefors Oy has invited us to come and see their modern manufacturing plant in Pitäjänmäki, Helsinki.
The excursion group will gather at the Department of Mechanical Engineering (Otakaari 4), at 13:00, then as a group we will head to Pitäjänmäki via Pikaratikka, so be prepared to have a HSL A-B ticket.
Excursion begins at 14:00 at Bluefors Oy
Excursion ends at 16:00 at Bluefors Oy
Only 20 spots available. But don’t worry, we reserve list of 5 people will be formed. Confirmation message for your registration will be sent later.
Registration opens on Thursday 25.1.2024 at 17:00 and ends on 29.1.2024 at 17:00. Please note that registration is binding.
While you’re at it, consider becoming a member of the Manufacturing Technology Club VTK – it won’t cost you a penny!
Excursion to Bluefors Oy
Tuesday 6.2.2024
Gathering: Otakaari 4 at 13:00
Price: Free for VTK members
Dress code: Dark suit
If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to ask TG / @veikkakorte. This adventure is waiting for you – don’t miss out on this opportunity!
Board Formation Talks & Pre-Christmas Party 13.11.2023
It’s time to kickstart the pre-Xmas party season that is inevitably approaching! Dig out the Christmas sweaters from the closet and head to Gorsu to VTK’s pre-Xmas party next Monday!
The evening starts at 18:00 with traditional board formation talks, where VTK’s current board presents what kind of positions are available in the club’s board and as officials. At the same time, you can also express your interest in participating in VTK’s next year’s activities. In particular, if you are interested in the upcoming Foreign Excursion, we recommend arriving at the formation talks -bring your friend along too! Participating in formation talks does not bind you to anything, you can also come just to listen. If you cannot attend, you can express your interest in VTK’s several positions by filling out the board recruitment form: VTK Board recruitment 2024.
After board formation talks the evening continues in the same space with a pre-Xmas party. The sauna is warm and we offer some snacks and drinks for members. Remember to bring the necessary sauna equipment with you if you plan to enjoy the sauna. The dress code for pre-Xmas party is just as festive as you want it to be.
The event is open to all VTK members. Please register for the event by filling out this form so that we can reserve snacks and drinks for participants.
What? VTK recruiting and pre-Xmas party
Where? Gorsu, Jämeräntaival 5, Otaniemi
When? Mon 13.11. starting at 18:00
What does it cost? The event is free for members!
Why? Hop on Board to the pre-Xmas party!
Additional information:
Karri Pönni
Chairman | Aalto University Production Engineering Students VTK
Telegram: @karriponni
+358 503725538 |
VTK Recruitment of the Board 2024
It’s that time of the year again when the board of the Production Engineering Students is being assembled for the coming year. The club’s board and officials run VTK’s activities, organizing events, e.g. excursions, sauna evenings as well as the annual ball and Epäkesko annual maintenance. In addition to this, the club’s good relations with industry are maintained. Are you the operator we need for the upcoming year? Fill out the form and share your interest in implementing the best club activities for next year.
Note! Filling out the form is not yet binding towards the available positions. You will still be contacted regarding your answers before the autumn meeting. Even at the autumn meeting, you can still run for office, even if you haven’t filled out the form.
The new board and officials will be elected at VTK’s autumn meeting, which will be held on November 23rd, 2023. We will also arrange recruitment evening, where the members can learn more about different positions. There will be more information about this later.
Application form: VTK Recruitment of the Board 2024
Additional information:
Karri Pönni
Chairman | Aalto University Production Engineering Students VTK
Telegram: @karriponni
+358 503725538 |
Tampere excursion on 27.-28.9.
It’s time to put your suits on and embark on the Tampere excursion + Alihankinta expo. This is your opportunity to experience an unforgettable adventure with your fellow VTK colleagues and explore the world of manufacturing and production technology!
Here are the trip details
Date: 27-28.9.2023 🗓
Cost: 15 euros 💵
For whom: Aalto University Production Engineering members 🔩⚙️
Day 1: Tampere Excursion
The bus departs from Otaniemi at 09:00 heading towards Tampere. Make sure not to oversleep! Our first stop will be at a few pioneering manufacturing technology companies. We’ll have the chance to explore these companies, learn something new, and possibly establish future connections. Who knows, you might discover your dream master thesis! After the tours, it’s time to relax and experience Tampere’s nightlife, where we go together with Pullonkaula. Pullonkaula is VTK’s friendship club, so expect great company! At the end of the evening, we’ll be accommodated at Tampere’s famous Hotel Torni, or at least pretty close!
Day 2: Alinhankinta Expo and Sauna
In the morning, we’ll independently head to the Alinhankinta Expo, where all of Finland’s manufacturing and production technology companies will be. This is a unique opportunity to network and see what’s happening in the field. In the evening, we’ll head to the sauna and dinner organized by Pullonkaula and the Robotics Association. We’ll enjoy the sauna, delicious food, and great company. The bus back to Otaniemi departs from Tampere at 22:00.
You can register for the event through the following link:
Registration opens at 15:00 on 18.9. Be sure to reserve your spot in time! The number of participants is limited to 20 people, so be quick!
Your spot will be confirmed separately.
This trip costs 15 euros and includes excursions, bus transportation, accommodation and sauna.
Please note that VTK cannot guarantee English-language Excursions, but your colleagues will surely help translate as best they can.
Valmistustekniikan kerho’s 56th Annual Ball on 28.10.
You are warmly welcome to come celebrate VTK’s 56th Annual Ball with us. The celebration will take place on Sat 28th of October at Ravintola Haukisali in Espoo.
During the evening we’ll enjoy a three course meal, some programme and drinks. The event is held in Finnish.
17:45 Bus transportation to the venue, Otakaari 4
18:00 Cocktail event, Ahventie 4
18:45 Main event, Ahventie 4
23:45 Afterparty, Helsinki
The event costs 50€ for students and 80€ for alumni. Dress code for the event is black suit.
The registration for the party opens on Tuesday 26.9. at noon and closes on Friday 6.10. at 23:55. Link to the registration can be found here: There are 75 spots of which 15 are reserved for our honorary members. Facebook page for the event:
More information:
Jenny Manner
Hostess, VTKH’23
Annual maintenance of the Eccentric press 2023 on Sun 30.4.
It’s time to carry out the annual maintenance of the Eccentric press at the corner of the K2 building in Otaniemi on Wappu Eve 30.4. starting at 11.00. In this event, old and new members of Aalto University Production Engineering Students will get together with full of spring spirit. Wappu food and drink are available. After the maintenance of the Eccentric press, it is convenient to continue your wappu journey to Servin Mökki, where the Wappu Rowdiness will be declared at 14.00. So come and meet former and current students of production technology while stamping the tokens.
This year, Suomen Konepajainsinööriyhdistys is also participating in the event. The purpose of SKIY is to bring together leading professionals from the manufacturing industry and to develop and support the operations of Finnish industry. The association’s more than 250 members bring together a huge amount of knowledge, skill and experience about the current state and future of our industry, without forgetting history. For more info, check out SKIY at
SKIY also supports students by distributing several scholarships of 2 000 € each year for studies, diploma theses and exchange studies abroad from the scholarship fund of baron Gustaf W. Wrede!
You can register for the Annual maintenance of Eccentric press via the registration form:
Event on Facebook:
What? Annual maintenance of the Eccentric press 2023
Where? K2, Puumiehenkuja 3, Espoo
When? Sunday 30.4. starting at 11.00
Cost? Nothing!
Why? Come and stamp your own token in the best company!
See you in maintenance!
Wappubooli on Thu 20.4.
As Wappu approaches, the even more legendary than legendary Wappubooli will be back again on 20.4.🥂 LVK, LVI, LRK and VTK offer their members punch, food and the best wappu atmosphere this year too! During the evening, the Rantsu’s sauna and hot tub also heat up!
The place can accommodate 120 participants, and each club has a quota of 30 places – so be quick! The quotas will be filled with possible substitutes on Monday 17.4. Registration for the event opens at on Wed 12.4. at 12.00!
NOTE! The event is only for members of the respective clubs, so please remember to become a member and pay the possible membership fee!
WHAT? Wappubooli 2023
WHERE? Rantasauna, Otaniemi
WHEN? Thursday 20 April 2023 from 17:00
DRESS CODE? Wappu overalls
REGISTRATION? Wed 12.4. at 12.00
WHY? Because Wappu and a delicious punch!